Live Webinar Docker 30 July 2022(Saturday) Time 8 PM to 10 PM (IST)
Register free On-Live Webinar on Docker to gain Deep Knowledge and Valuable Solutions with our Docker Expert – Mayur Patil at Logicwaves Academy.
Watch now how “Develope and Deploy Full Stack Application through Docker” can help teams to deliver and run applications powerfully along with CI/CD Paradigm.
Whether you are just a DevOps beginner or developer, if you want to learn more about containers, you are in the right place. Docker is used for setting up, deploying, and running applications, at scale, by containerizing them. More on that later, Docker also provides developers with a consistent environment for product development. The easy portability that docker brings simplifies managing applications and deploying them among various organizations.
This webinar establishes a technical understanding of Docker with Logicwaves Academy. You will develop intelligence around this niche technology which has revolutionized the industry in recent times. Accelerate your career growth through this journey.
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