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A Crash Course on HTML, JavaScript & CSS 2023

Mastering the Fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Are you ready to embark on a journey to become a web development pro? Start by mastering the fundamental building blocks of the web: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! Dive deep into advanced concepts and start creating stunning projects

Course Curricullum

– The Big Picture
– Web Browser to Web Server to Web Browser Loop

 – Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)
– Form Elements and Handling
– Semantic HTML

– Basics of CSS with Selectors
– The Box Model
– Selectors and Specificity
– Layouts: Flexbox and CSS Grid
– Transitions and Animations
– Responsive Design: Media Queries and Viewport
– Best Practices in CSS and Design Principles
– CSS Variables (Custom Properties)
– CSS Exercise & Solution: Designing a Responsive Web Page

 – Creating a Sticky Header
– Hover Effects and Transformations
– Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
– Creating Tooltips
– CSS Grid Layout Exercises

– Variable Declarations
– var vs let vs const
– Variable Declarations Exercise & Solution
– Understanding Scope
– Closures
– Closures Exercise & Solution
– Function Currying
– this Keyword
– this Keyword Exercise & Solution
– Arrow Functions
– Arrow Functions Exercise & Solution
– Function Currying Exercise and Solution
– Prototype
– More on Prototype
– Prototypal Inheritance
– ES6 class Keyword
– ES6 class Keyword Exercise & Solution
– Destructuring
– Spread and Rest Operators
– Template Literals
– Modules and Import/Export
– Fetch API for Network Requests
– Introduction to Web Components
– Map
– Set
– Iterables and Iterators
– Iterables and Iterators Exercise & Solution
– Generators
– Generators Exercise & Solution
– Asynchronous JavaScript
– Timeouts and Intervals
– Timeouts and Intervals Exercise & Solution
– Callbacks
– Promises
– async await
– async await Exercise and Solution
– Introduction to Server Side Javascript with Node

– Sum of Numbers
– Factorial of a Number
– Fibonacci Sequence
– Prime Numbers
– Palindrome
– Anagram
– Reverse Words
– Remove Vowels from a String
– Palindromic Substrings
– Array of Fullnames
– Longest Word in a String
– Array and Index
– Union Intersection Difference
– Flatten Array
– Duplicate Elements
– Non Repeating Words
– Longest Palindrome
– Longest Substring
– Group Anagrams

– Full Stack Development Roadmap
– Angular – React – VUE – NextJS
– CSR, SPA, SSR, SSG, ISR Discussion

– The Big Picture
– Web Browser to Web Server to Web Browser Loop

 – Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)
– Form Elements and Handling
– Semantic HTML

– Basics of CSS with Selectors
– The Box Model
– Selectors and Specificity
– Layouts: Flexbox and CSS Grid
– Transitions and Animations
– Responsive Design: Media Queries and Viewport
– Best Practices in CSS and Design Principles
– CSS Variables (Custom Properties)
– CSS Exercise & Solution: Designing a Responsive Web Page

 – Creating a Sticky Header
– Hover Effects and Transformations
– Custom Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
– Creating Tooltips
– CSS Grid Layout Exercises

– Variable Declarations
– var vs let vs const
– Variable Declarations Exercise & Solution
– Understanding Scope
– Closures
– Closures Exercise & Solution
– Function Currying
– this Keyword
– this Keyword Exercise & Solution
– Arrow Functions
– Arrow Functions Exercise & Solution
– Function Currying Exercise and Solution
– Prototype
– More on Prototype
– Prototypal Inheritance
– ES6 class Keyword
– ES6 class Keyword Exercise & Solution
– Destructuring
– Spread and Rest Operators
– Template Literals
– Modules and Import/Export
– Fetch API for Network Requests
– Introduction to Web Components
– Map
– Set
– Iterables and Iterators
– Iterables and Iterators Exercise & Solution
– Generators
– Generators Exercise & Solution
– Asynchronous JavaScript
– Timeouts and Intervals
– Timeouts and Intervals Exercise & Solution
– Callbacks
– Promises
– async await
– async await Exercise and Solution
– Introduction to Server Side Javascript with Node

– Sum of Numbers
– Factorial of a Number
– Fibonacci Sequence
– Prime Numbers
– Palindrome
– Anagram
– Reverse Words
– Remove Vowels from a String
– Palindromic Substrings
– Array of Fullnames
– Longest Word in a String
– Array and Index
– Union Intersection Difference
– Flatten Array
– Duplicate Elements
– Non Repeating Words
– Longest Palindrome
– Longest Substring
– Group Anagrams

– Full Stack Development Roadmap
– Angular – React – VUE – NextJS
– CSR, SPA, SSR, SSG, ISR Discussion

Who can join this Crash Course?

Those who want to build a solid foundation in Web technologies.

Enroll Now

Start you Journey Towards Web Development. Don’t miss out on the incredible opportunity

Course Highlights


Learn how to structure web content and create the foundation of every web page. Dive into tags, elements, and attributes to craft visually appealing and well-organized web documents.


Elevate your design skills by understanding CSS. Customize the look and feel of your web pages, from fonts and colors to layout and responsiveness. Transform your websites into works of art!


Unlock the power of interactivity and dynamic web experiences. Explore the fundamentals of JavaScript, from variables and data types to loops and functions. Bring your web projects to life!

Bonus : Problem solving

Solve DS problems using Javascript

Join Now

HTML, CSS & JavaScript

Crash Course on Web Development Fundamentals
  • HTML Basics
  • CSS Foundations
  • Advanced CSS Problems
  • JavaScript
  • Problem Solving
  • Bonus Lectures

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